Microbiota consists of all microorganisms (bacteria, micro-fungi, protists, viruses) living in a specific environment in a host (animal: zoobiota; plant: phytobiota; air: aerobiota) or matter (animal or vegetal). The set of genes in a microbiota is called a microbiome. An individual and his microbiota is called a holobionte.
For example, in humans, microbiota are intestinal, cutaneous, vaginal, placental and pre-natal. In plants, microbiota are foliar, root, cauline.
Microbiota are recognized as an essential part of the working of living beings. In humans, their role and their integration into the functioning of our organs including the brain, in diseases such as obesity, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, cancer, cancer treatments is now proven.
We offer a wide range of analysis to characterize microbiota with metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, metaproteomic, meta-metabolomic and bioinformatic approaches.
We are very involved in the study of the microbiota phenomenon, including analyzes of the human microbiome.
We propose different approaches, according to different levels of information, flexible according to the study. Metagenomic methods only reach genes that are quantified or generate complex taxonomic profiles. The metaproteomic allows to reach the operational functions and gives a deep view of the effects and mechanisms of action.
The analyzable samples can be swabs, feces, biopsies
We offer three types of study services in substantiation, on host side, microbiome side and host+microbiome side simultaneously
Metagenomics and metaproteomics studies may be coupled in order to get a better database targeting